One of only five streak camera manufacturers in the world
Unuodi Optics is a professional manufacturer of high-end optical products. We have cooperated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. After 15 years of research and development, we have invested 160 million US dollars to develop and produce a series of streak camera products with independent intellectual property rights. It is also the only manufacturer in China that can produce a series of streak cameras, and one of only five streak camera manufacturers in the world. The products cover more than 10 types of optical and X-ray products, especially femtosecond streak cameras, synchronous scanning streak cameras and large dynamic range streak cameras. The technical indicators have reached the international advanced level, and some technologies are internationally leading. We also provide high-quality Microchannel Plate Photomultiplier Tube, image intensification tubes and other products, and provide comprehensive technical and application support as well as competitive prices.
ABOUT USLong slit/multi-slit X-ray streak camera 4200
Synchronous/high repetition rate streak camera 9200
Miniature streak camera 7200
Picosecond streak camera 5200
Large Dynamic Range Streak Camera with 3200 X-ray
Femtosecond X-ray streak camera 1200
Large dynamic range streak camera 3200
Streak Camera
Photomultiplier Tube MCP-PMT
Imaging Intensifier Tube
A streak camera is a device that can capture ultrafast transient optical phenomena with a time resolutio···
11-03-2025 -
Soft X-ray streak camera is an X-ray streak camera designed for image registration of fast or transient ···
11-03-2025 -
The streak camera is a high-end scientific measurement and diagnostic instrument with ultra-high time re···